When a public authority is considering how to manage its budget as efficiently as possible, how to take advantage of the expertise of the industry, or in cases where the governmental calendar demands urgent implementation, it may conclude that calling on the private sector delivers better value for money.
The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model that has delivered countless projects in transportation, health and education is also an attractive option for ID programs. Along with avoiding large-scale investments up-front, governments can take advantage of the industry expertise and the latest technology, while having their new system up and running more quickly.
IDEMIA has a proven track record in delivering PPPs for a range of identity management projects, from national electronic ID cards to driving licenses and passports. Typically, these projects take the form of a concession, where the infrastructure is delivered and operated by IDEMIA for a set period, oftentimes 7 to 10 years.
The most popular model for such concessions is known as BOOT, as the contractor will Build the infrastructure; Own and Operate the service by enrolling citizens, managing the ID database and delivering the documents; and then ensure a smooth Transfer of the system to the public authority at the end of the concession.
As with any partnership, good teamwork is the key to success. Governments call upon a private partner such as IDEMIA to finance and operate all or part of the identity framework, operations and service delivery. In so doing, the public authority benefits from more flexibility to manage its budgets and can focus on added-value operations and strategic choices. It benefits from IDEMIA’s innovation mindset, state-of-the-art technology and expertise.
A Public-Private Partnership with IDEMIA allows the state to deploy an ID project without an up-front investment, protecting the national budget.
Governments control all the legal and ID entitlement decisions in a PPP project with IDEMIA, and take full ownership of the system at the end of the concession.
IDEMIA has successfully delivered concession-based ID projects to national authorities around the world, building on its relationships with over 100 governments.
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