Billerica, Mass. – January 13, 2016 – More than two million travelers are now enrolled in the Transportation Security Administration’s TSA PreCheck® program, MorphoTrust USA (Safran) announced today. MorphoTrust, a leading provider of identity services and solutions, is a trusted partner of TSA and is currently the sole enrollment services provider for TSA PreCheck®. IdentoGO® Centers by MorphoTrust continues to ramp up its efforts to meet the growing demand for enrollment in TSA PreCheck® and are now processing nearly 50 percent more applications every day, compared to earlier in 2015.
Today, IdentoGO Centers enroll thousands of people each day in a growing network of more than 355 locations that service TSA PreCheck® applicants. MorphoTrust has made it easier for customers to apply for the popular travel program by expanding the number and hours of operations of our centers, launching a mobile enrollment program for businesses and other organizations, and through partnerships such as H&R Block to provide enrollment services at a growing number of retail locations.
TSA PreCheck® program has proven to be a true win-win with enhanced security for the entire air travel system and convenience for the traveling public. Working closely with our partners at TSA, we will continue to help expand this program and make convenient, hassle-free travel a reality for millions more Americans.
TSA PreCheck® is an expedited security screening program that connects travelers departing from more than 150 U.S. airports with smarter security and a more convenient travel experience. TSA PreCheck® travelers do not need to remove shoes, laptops, liquids, belts or light jackets at security checkpoints. TSA PreCheck® helps take the stress out of travel for more than 2 million travelers who have enrolled in the TSA PreCheck® program.
Passengers interested in enrolling in TSA PreCheck® are encouraged to begin the application process by pre-enrolling online and then making an appointment at a local center. Upon arrival, trained agents verify approved identity documents (a birth certificate or passport and another government issued ID) and obtain biographic information before live-scanning applicants’ fingerprints and securely transmitting the application package to TSA for review. The agency completes the application vetting process and issues a Known Traveler Number (KTN) via mail once the application is approved. An applicant can check the status online by visiting https://universalenroll.dhs.gov/ and clicking on “Check Status.” Applicants pay an $85 processing fee, which covers five years of access to TSA PreCheck®. The entire application process takes just a few weeks to complete.
About IDEMIA - OT-Morpho is now IDEMIA, the global leader in Augmented Identity for an increasingly digital world, with the ambition to empower citizens and consumers alike to interact, pay, connect, travel and vote in ways that are now possible in a connected environment.
Securing our identity has become mission critical in the world we live in today. By standing for Augmented Identity, we reinvent the way we think, produce, use and protect this asset, whether for individuals or for objects. We ensure privacy and trust as well as guarantee secure, authenticated and verifiable transactions for international clients from Financial, Telecom, Identity, Public Security and IoT sectors.
OT (Oberthur Technologies) and Safran Identity & Security (Morpho) have joined forces to form IDEMIA. With close to $3 billion in revenues and 14,000 employees around the world, IDEMIA serves clients in 180 countries.
For more information, head to www.idemia.com. And follow us @IdemiaGroup on Twitter.