paybox Bank AG selects IDEMIA to introduce the very first recycled plastic payment card in Austria

Designed with recycled PVC, the A1 Priceless Planet Mastercard issued by paybox will help consumer better understand the contribution of their individual purchases to CO2 emissions.

As environmental considerations increasingly take center stage with consumers, paybox Bank AG has pledged to offer customers greener, state-of-the-art payment solutions, starting with the launch of the first IDEMIA-made recycled plastic payment card in Austria—the A1 Priceless Planet Mastercard.

IDEMIA GREENPAY eco-friendly solutions move away from today’s take-make-waste model and produce a card that advances responsible use of natural resources—without letting up on quality or security. These solutions are backed by IDEMIA’s longstanding card manufacturing expertise.

IDEMIA’s recycled PVC (or rPVC) cards will help cut CO2 emissions and will appeal to climate-conscious consumers. They also have a novel look with varnish matt, so they really stand out.

By applying circular economy principles to our production processes and products, we want everyone to join us in our sustainable vision of everyday products like payment cards. I am utterly convinced we, in business, need to innovate in this way, and we strive to do our bit to make sure this global sustainable movement gains momentum.
Amanda Gourbault, Senior Vice President Business Unit Financial Institutions at IDEMIA

The A1 Priceless Planet Mastercard launched by paybox Bank and A1 focuses on climate-friendly action. This new credit card, is not only made of recycled plastic, but also comes with new features, such as a CO2 Tracker. The credit card is part of the Priceless Planet Coalition initiatives—reforestation projects around the world are supported with every credit card transaction. The A1 Mastercard App shows their contribution to consumers and how much CO2 emissions individual purchases produce. Users can understand how their own ecological footprint is distributed across different areas of life.

The A1 Priceless Planet Mastercard is the perfect tool to make consumption more sustainable. We are very proud to launch together this environmentally friendly payment card with our partner IDEMIA.
Matthias Stieber, CEO paybox Bank AG


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