IDEMIA values the skills and dedication of our people and recognizes the critical part they play in our company’s success. Our inherently inclusive mission—to unlock the world and make it safer—drives our spirit of openness, equality, fairness, and safety for all. We strive to create a diverse and inclusive work environment that makes IDEMIA the workplace of choice.
IDEMIA is committed to promoting the values of inclusion, diversity, and equality in all departments and at all levels of the business and across all 62 countries in which we operate. Through this, we support the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5: achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
In 2021, IDEMIA released our Diversity & Inclusion Declaration that reinforces our ambition to cooperate, assist, and encourage each other as one IDEMIA—in line with our core values: Daring, Caring, Trusted, Curious and Together.
Part of what makes IDEMIA a workplace to be proud of is our culture of open communication between the company and our international workforce. Everyone has the right to receive clear, transparent communication on matters which affect the whole company—such as general working conditions and business change.
Each year, employees are asked to participate in a voluntary poll to gauge their level of satisfaction in the workplace and give feedback on events and developments. Hundreds of improvement actions have been generated from the feedback received in this annual survey.
Regular communication is also shared with employees via the intranet and internal bulletins.
IDEMIA is committed to the growth and development of our people. At the beginning of each year, employees are invited to have a discussion with their manager about their annual objectives including career mobility and training.
Throughout the year, the process is assured at different touch points and the action plan is followed up by the manager with the HR department and employee.
At the end of the year, these goals and achievements are reviewed in a formal discussion with a focus on career development.
IDEMIA takes safeguarding employee health and safety, both at the workplace and in the course of business travel, very seriously. We focus on embedding a strong culture of prevention through our Health & Safety Manual.
With IDEMIA’s global presence, a worldwide system of protection has been set up for employees traveling on business. A dedicated Travel Risk Officer oversees the safety profiling of countries and premises to be visited, and employees have access to a risk monitoring and alert platform.
The commitment to our employees’ well-being at work and in their personal lives is essential. We offer comprehensive benefits packages based on the location of employment and ensure that employees are successfully onboarded and well-integrated into teams.
It is also extremely important to IDEMIA that employees feel confident to speak up against possible violations of our code of conduct, policies, or legal and regulatory requirements. Employees are encouraged to use our anonymous whistleblowing platform to ensure that IDEMIA remains a safe workplace for all.
Per our UN Global Compact pledge, IDEMIA respects labor rights: upholding the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of forced and compulsory labor, the abolition of child labor, and non-discrimination in employment and occupation.
Diversity, non-discrimination, transparent and fair recruitment, mobility, training, equal opportunities, anti-harassment and anti-bullying are just some of the areas in which IDEMIA has established policies and procedures, always ensuring compliance with relevant labor laws.
For any enquiries about Corporate Social Responsibility at IDEMIA, please contact us