Helping police and intelligence services to put a name to a face

Law enforcement and border control services are in constant need to quickly and accurately check a person’s identity. Out on patrol, officers can use IDEMIA IDent 2.0 to search fingerprints against local and remote databases. Compact, convenient and accurate, IDent 2.0 is an advanced hand-held fingerprint device enabling real-time identification based on IDEMIA’s world-class biometric technology.
Fully certified to the FBI’s PVI-QS standard, the terminal is able to process multiple requests simultaneously. An intuitive graphical interface makes IDent 2.0 easy to use, with a color screen instantly displaying the facial image associated with the fingerprint. More than just a mobile biometric device, IDent 2.0 supports a complete range of solutions for identification in the field. It can be paired with a computer, smartphone, or tablet running the iMobile Suite, managing submissions to the FBI RISC database or to other AFIS databases.
IDent 2.0 provides law enforcement and border control officers with quick, accurate biometric finger identification of suspects at the scene.
Not only is the IDent 2.0 a cost-effective device, it can integrate into existing IT architectures at no additional infrastructure cost.
By rapidly identifying suspects, without the need for physical searches or taking them into custody, IDent 2.0 increases officers’ safety.